Your carpets should be cleaned on a schedule and not simply when they look dirty or when relatives are about to drop in for a visit. Your carpets are one of the biggest investments in your house. It is important that they last a long time. In this article we’ll take a look at some key factors to help you decide which is right for your home.
The frequency of cleaning depends on a number of factors:
How much use does it get? One person alone in a big house will not produce the load of soil that a family of active children will. Are there smokers in the house? Smoke gets trapped in the carpet fibers and can be a source of odors. Does anyone in the family have allergies? This calls for more frequent cleaning.
The newest studies show that carpet floors are better for allergy sufferers than hard surface floors. The reason? On a hard surface, floor allergens such as dust mites and their droppings, pollens and mold spores are easily stirred up every time someone passes by or something stirs the air. A carpet traps these allergens and other pollutants as well. However, if the carpet is not cleaned on a regular basis the filtering capacity of the carpet gets over-loaded.
How much use does it get? One person alone in a big house will not produce the load of soil that a family of active children will. Are there smokers in the house? Smoke gets trapped in the carpet fibers and can be a source of odors.
Does anyone in the family have allergies? This calls for more frequent cleaning. The newest studies show that carpet floors are better for allergy sufferers than hard surface floors. The reason? On a hard surface, floor allergens such as dust mites and their droppings, pollens and mold spores are easily stirred up every time someone passes by or something stirs the air. A carpet traps these allergens and other pollutants as well. However, if the carpet is not cleaned on a regular basis the filtering capacity of the carpet gets over-loaded.
With proper maintenance, regular vacuuming, entry mats to catch dirt that would be tracked into the carpet, etc. an average residential carpet would need to be cleaned every 12 months. Sooner for smokers, allergy sufferers or carpets that get heavy use. This time can be extended up to 18 months for carpets that get limited use.
When is the best time of day to clean your carpets? When you can be off them for 8 to 12 hours. Most professional carpet cleaners can have your carpet dry to the touch in just a few hours, but there can still be some moisture present. Walking on damp carpets allows any soil on your shoes to track off and resoil the carpet. It can also be a slip hazard if you walk from freshly cleaned carpet onto vinyl or a hard surface.